Dear Affiliate,

Thank you for taking the time to ‘look into’ the audio download for The MASSIVE Goal Principle. The concept for the MASSIVE Goal Principle was born following
14 years of research into Top Achievers. All of the Top Achievers had one thing in common - they all set MASSIVE goals. 

YOUTUBE url:<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/antOndXZyVw&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/antOndXZyVw&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

THE MASSIVE Goal Principle

The MASSIVE Goal Principle audio download is a 54 minute digitally mastered MP3 goal setting download. The audio download gives the listener:

certainty, confidence and conviction to achieve their goals
an insight into why setting MASSIVE goals is THE WAY to be a TOP ACHIEVER 
the tools required for them to set MASSIVE goals.

The 6 steps to goal setting is in pdf format which is a common adobe format which comes as standard on many computers and if clients do not have it it can be downloaded free from http://get.adobe.com/reader/

Need pic of ebook with details and pic of cd case with details: times, pages, formats etc.  

The audio download is based on interviews with..........

Trevor Bayliss obe - Inventor
Dennis Amis mbe – England Cricketer
Steve Smith – Poundland entrepreneur
Emlyn Hughes  mbe – Liverpool and England football captain
Kash Gill – 5 x world kick boxing champion
Dr Ivan Misner – entrepreneur and founder of BNI
Baroness Susan Greenfield – neuro scientist
Tim Watts – founder of the Pertemps group
Phil Chambers – world mind map and memory champion
Coach Jim Johnson – US Basketball coach
Peter Thomson – Europe's leading sales and personal development consultant
Dame Betty Boothroyd – first lady speaker in the house of commons
Prof Adrian Furnham – leading psychologist
Paul McKenna – Hypnotist
Dr Richard Bandler – NLP co-founder
Michael Breen – NLP communications expert
Jules Morgan – world powerboat racing champion
Mark Eccleston – Britain's only ever world no1 tennis champion

..............  to name just a few 

Tried and tested method

I had spent many years going on personal development courses and had always been told to set ‘realistic and achievable goals’. So I was shocked that top achievers actually do the opposite of this!?! To see if this ‘massive goal setting’ was possible I set myself the task of raising £50,000 for Cancer Research. I was initially laughed at for even suggesting that I could raise that amount of money as a volunteer in my spare time. Fortunately one of the board put his trust in me. Following a fantastic trek along the Great Wall of China we raised  £288,079.16 smashing the record set by full time fund raisers. 
So this DOES WORK! I have used this format to develop The MASSIVE Goal Principle.


The MASSIVE Goal principle is within a niche market of personal development tools that are based upon actual research into top achievers and how they achieve

100% Success rate

The MASSIVE Goal Principle has been used by both children, teenagers and adults in the past 14 years will a 100% success rate! Yes everyone who has completed the 6 steps to Goal setting SUCCESS and taken ACTION has succeeded in achieving their goal. So your customers will be investing in a download that if they follow the steps have a MASSIVE chance of SUCCESS. I believe EVERYONE should be given the opportunity to  reach their TRUE POTENTIAL and this audio download gives them the ability to do this.

Additional BONUS / FREE E-BOOK

As an ADDITIONAL BONUS I have included with the audio download a FREE e-book - THE 6 Steps to Goal Setting SUCCESS which gives further BACKGROUND and SUPPORT in setting MASSIVE goals. These products used individually provide all the information required but together they form an OPTIMUM PACKAGE. 

I present the audio download myself and therefore it is delivered in a passionate,  interesting and fun way. The audio download is of ‘Studio Quality’ it has been digitally mastered so that people have an exceptionally professional and clear quality product - quote. The ebook has sold many copies in its own rite receiving rave reviews


Audio testimonials (MP3)can also be found on the sales letter

Andy Cope, became a                                          Carl Barton, became an
BEST selling                                                        internet marketeer and
Children’s author.                                                 University lecturer

  Dave Jenkins, grew his                                        Geoff Cox, turned his
  business using The                                             small business networking
  MASSIVE Goal                                                 company global.

Written testimonials:

From people at school:
“... I done the pyramid memory game to achieve an A * in Geography and achieved it”. (James).

From people in business:
“Dave encourages you to set massive goals and break them down into manageable steps to help you get there. My goal was to earn £***,*** this year.......I am well on course to achieve that and may even exceed it - a 500% increase” (Mike Shinton - leadership coach).

Instant Download

Once people have paid for their product they will be able to instantly download the audio download and e-book. This service is supported not only by Click Bank but DLG as well so that people are guaranteed a no-hassle service. Any unlikely problems that people have, they will be directed to my team and will be rectified within 1 working day (usually same day). 
The audio download is of Studio Quality it has been digitally mastered so that people have an exceptionally professional and clear quality product.

“What can I say? Actually adjectives fail me. It was stunning, brilliant, easily the BEST audio on goal setting I’ve ever heard (and yes I include Brian Tracey, Jim Rohn and all the greats in there). You have a brilliant audio voice and you deliver your material with energy and conviction from a dazzlingly written script.”
Stuart Goldsmith (author & motivational guru)

90 day satisfaction guarantee

If following listening to the audio download and reading the ebook any of your clients are at all unhappy for any reason they can contact me within 90 days of receipt  they receive a full, prompt and courteous refund. 

Price and commission

The audio download with the FREE e-book is marketed solely on ClickBank for $20. This is the first of many products that I aim to sell via ClickBank. I therefore look forward to building a long term business relationship with you and are keen for any feedback you may have. As an affiliate I am proud to work alongside you and for your time in promoting and selling the audio download of the MASSIVE Goal Principle I am happy to offer you 55% commission for your sales. 

How to become an affiliate.

To become an affiliate you need to sign up for an affiliate ClickBank account
at: https://www.clickbank.com/affiliateAccountSignup.htm?key=

Further support on selling products via ClickBank can be found at:

Tips on promoting the audio download

David Hyner the founder of The MASSIVE Goal Principle works within schools, businesses,networking groups etc and is well known within these area. Many people who have heard him speak are keen to have access to his products. Twitter, Facebook, and other networking sites maybe a good place to start.Banner advertising, keyword optimisation etc may also have a massive impact on sales. Any further banners, buttons etc that you need please email me and I’ll try my best to provide what you need.

Suggested Key Words.

goal setting, massive goals, achieve, achievers, David Hyner, massive goal setting principle, motivation, personal, business, academic, audio download, how to, mp3, ebook, free, goal setting tools, goal setting tips, personal goal setting, goal setting for.

Have a go yourself

Why don’t you have a go at using The MASSIVE Goal principle in your internet business? Set yourself a MASSIVE Goal and start taking ACTION. I look forward to working with you. I am available via email or phone to answer any questions that you or your clients may have regarding the MASSIVE GOAL PRINCIPLE. Go on give it a try ... you’ve nothing at all to loose.

Looking forward to working with you,

Dave Hyner

PS. please encourage people to contact me personally with their success stories.

